provided you rule of increase your business and develop also. In this blog all article is written by continues IITn and NITn. This website author is also a continues batch of IItn he is study in IIT madras. And he want open a own software company . we hope this blog will provided you a guide. THANK YOU

Monday, July 15, 2019

what is MLM : network marketing

      by Monita Lehari
(computer science and engineering, NIT Durgapur)                

network market
networking marketing 

                   Case study of Network Marketing

Sometime it is known as Multi Level Marketing(MLM), Network Marketing, Chain Marketing, Pyramid Scheme, Scheme, Scam, Scandal. About multilevel marketing person are thinking it is good or not, we have to go in this line or not so today we are going to discuss about Network Marketing.
Multilevel marketing you can say that it a well thought philosophical scientific process, multilevel marketing is marketing of good and services. This is a good industry but why it has negative image. Why people don’t want to joined it? For that there is two most reason that is Scheme and scam like Saradha scan or Speak Asia and more like that so many scheme and Scam was came like that experience are giving you trouble. This like scam and Scheme was gave Network Marketing as a negative image otherwise it is a very powerful industry that can become Milliner in a short time.
Multilevel marketing is not bad but there is two thing are bad one is character less company and second is failure candidate of this industry they doing very much criticise of this market. It is working same process of channel distributor there is also going product from Manufacturer to Distributor to costumer. Now our government is also give it satisfaction but be careful before joining company that company is good or not.

                                   Understanding of company

Multilevel marketing – when you joined company don’t see first that how much soon you will become Milliner first you see what is People and Philosophy of company means what is people banding force, what is people culture of the company, people leadership is very good, giving very force on Training Methodology, see what is learning and development because learning and development is very important of any marketing company. If in company all are thinking about profit means this a fraud company because good culture of any company this is very important. If in company in company learning is going good, people are good , philosophy and root  is depended on good character then if you fail on it then also doesn’t matter you should have to joined it because it focus on your development.
Product – why companies are getting failure because it there is so much scandal and scams are going on so product should be like that enjoyable, public favourite , economical, value, Recurring Usage, trust on product,  how is it buying behaviour, that is can understanding adoption curve.
Plan Profit & Payout – it dependents on upper cases because if  Multilevel marketing and Product will be good automatic Profit should be good. And it should be good in reasonably then you can see that company is giving you payout or not if first case is dependent in that then must be this rule will obey.

                                    Power of compounding       

According to Einstein “compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world.” Actually Multilevel marketing is depending on power of compounding suppose have two crop one is Wheat Crop and second is Mango Crop the wheat crop will take time 4 month but mango crop will take maybe four year or more and Wheat Crop you will cut it in one time then it will finish but Mango crop will may be not given anything till four year but then it will give you until last time this Multilevel marketing people will say you that it a business of be a milliner in short time they lie there is no any type of business that you making milliner in a short you have to in Multilevel marketing continues hard work and you will get compounding Result. Multilevel marketing is business of educated or none educated but you have do hard work if you are not a hard worker then this not for you.

network marketing
link to network marketing
Facts of Network Marketing

1.      In his industry you get that much money that much you doing hard working.
2.    If you are laborious then you job is safe and secure here.
3.    In a small investment you can get good return.
4.    For entrepreneurship and other activities you will get freedom time
5.     You are not lock any cities, village or any where you can traveling any where and you can built your business. This is open market.
6.    This only industry where you can built more relation ship.
7.     And getting Extreme respect.
8.    Did one time hard work and you getting profit Recurring Revenue Model.
9.    In this business it is doesn’t matter that you are in which age, which Religion, which sex, which Cast, what is your education.
Here is only one problem that your Psycho-Physical Nature is matching with this business or not means what is action, what is passion, what is your thinking, what is process, on this time what is fact like that.

 According to me this is good rule in only one time must be go in this industry unfortunately you will fail in their also then you will getting good experiences their.

For any query please contact us ,thank you

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