BUSINESS RULE provided you rule of increase your business and develop also. In this blog all article is written by continues IITn and NITn. This website author is also a continues batch of IItn he is study in IIT madras. And he want open a own software company . we hope this blog will provided you a guide. THANK YOU

Monday, July 22, 2019

Notice that if you planning to go foreign

  Vishal kumar Prajapati
 ( computer science and engineering, IIT Madras )

want to go foreign
      How to go foreign and             what have to care

Ever you want to go foreign then definitely you wave to read this blog full. Today we going to talk about Immigration if you want to USA, Europe, Australia, Canada and other country then how you will get visa and what is problem you have to face there.

In India, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldives in these countries living in foreign it is inspirational thing this is our status symbol. They think if I earn here 20 thousand then I will get from their one lakh. For going foreign in USA, Europe for getting visa is very difficult and if you contact with any agent if he is a good person then he will did his work very honestly but if you will hire any Froude then he will cheat you because. He want only your money and he will call you till you will not give him money if you will give money then he will forget you and America, Europe these countries visa is based also in Interview and good agent you give to training also but other will not give and unfortunately your visa was refuse then good agent can you tell that also why it was refuse but other can’t say that why it was refuse. There are few full notice carefully.

1.      Documentation – this is a true story I have one friend in Chennai and one time his visa was refused from US then he meet with one agent and he said that I will give you visa for Canada and he is become happy because he has to gone anywhere in foreign then go here with his Passport and he fill his from also and he not mention in form that he is already refuse from US then he reached embassy and ambassador ask to him why you not mention about your refused visa and he has no any answer because he is signed here. so noticed that Point.
                                      I.            Don’t signed paper without reading.
                                   II.            Don’t signed on wrong information.
                               III.            Does Agent have knowledge & information?
                                IV.            Does he speak English?
                                   V.            Don’t signed in blank form.
                                VI.            Always take a copy of signed from him.
     That’s document are needed.
·        Business Proof
·        Property paper
·        Applicant’s Banking
·        Current passport and old passport also
·        Photograph visa fee Receipt

2.    Services offered at inflated price – some time Visa for America and Europe agent are charging more from you in that tow type of fee may you have to pay Embassy fee and Processing fee. Embassy fee will safely gone to that embassy processing fee that money will gone to your agent. Now one another Froude came here that to going USA getting visa for America is from India is difficult so first you go Indonesia there after you can go America if he is telling like that definitely he is Froude because you can’t go against of immigration. And very never sold your properties for visa.

3.    Types of Visa – check which visa is applicable for you like Schooling visa, Tourist Visa, Farming Visa, Skill Orientation job visa.
Getting schooling visa is very difficult for that only 1 and 2 percent chance is only here because if study in foreign the expensive is minimum 5000 per month and his salary is per month 6000 then how to he managed it.

Farming visa you go here by farmer visa I was sow in Canada’s official website there is investment of 3 lakh and net worth is required 5 lakh dollars and not qualified there terms and condition then why you apply for visa and you sold your property.

Work permit Visa there is also came a new Froude that agent will say that you have to not give money that time first you go foreign after you earn money at the time you have to give only a medical test, appointment letter fee and few basic expanse then you will send me and you become happy they regularly giving ads for it and they call like that so many person and they doing medical test of them. They doing medical from that doctor is not embassy empanelled doctor he is these private doctor and they will charge from you nearly 10000 and like that they call one thousand person and they did business of 1crore. From that these all expansive are managed with extra income thereafter they gone and second Froude is that if someone told you that I will provided you job then he should have a license is called Protector General of Emigrants License this license is provided you by govt. of India & ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs of rule 10/2. If he has not this latter then don’t did work from here this punishable. So first check you check that all.

4.    Duplicate Sticker visa – in visa they are joined a duplicate sticker and they give it after some time this you know this is fake. So always hologram, check carefully this is not any Froude.

5.     Do not take any donkey and shortcut flight – In shortcut first they take you Maleshiya and maybe some will kidnap you and second is donkey flight if you have to gone Central America then first they will take you in north America and in night by forest way they will entered you in America this is very risk and illegal process.

6.    Contract Marriage – this is very big Froude. That country you want to gone from that country any girl will married to you and she will take you on her country but when you have to renew your visa then she will charge from you very much and not confirm that she will co-operate you. This like so much Froude was come there.

If you want to go foreign definitely you go but with ethical process by that process you not have to sold your property not have to take extra loan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019


(Computer science & engineering, IIT Madras)

                                  Case Study of Youtube

what is youtube
Today youtube is become world’s 2nd no. largest search engine and 1st   no. video player social site. Google CEO is telling that “You will be far bigger then TV” Sundar Pachai, CEO Google. Because in youtube you are the viewer and content creator also. TV is not working with your choice it is working by chance but Youtube is working with your choice not by chance. Today we going to see success of Youtube. How three jobless person are made Youtube in joke and it become 2nd largest search engine?

You have remember that incident when PayPal bought ebay at the time three person Steve Chen, Chad Hurely and Jawed Khan they lose them job. Actually they never planned to make Youtuben they don’t did paper work for making Youtube. They want to share a video that they did a birthday party on last evening. But there are no any platform to sending video by Email long length video is not going. One time Jawed Karim want to see controversy video of Justin Timberlake & Janet Jackson in that video Justin Timberlake take out Janet Jackson’s cloth on stage this become incident is become very much controversy and Jawed Karim want to see this video and that time they there is no any source available to see video then he think like that so many want to see video but they can’t see because no any source then this idea came on his mind. And his other two partner is thinking about Tsunami that any time disaster is definitely someone has available camera, then how to share this video? Then also they don’t make directly Youtube first they make online dating site ‘Tube in hook up’ but is can’t get success. Then readied an online streaming video platform and regularly try to doing batter it. According to a serve 77% viewers are like that he is coming to see one video and he seen seven video and 22% viewers are like that he want to see one video and he seen 14 videos that much good dynamic algorithm they made. Youtube is not only a Project it is a platform, an ecosystem from that everyone getting profit according to his hard work. After made Youtube they search content creator if one time content creator came after that content consumer also came and consumer came then advertiser also came because TV ads is become costly and Youtube ads are getting in low price and one other thing in TV there is no any filter but in Youtube there is filter from that you can show your ad to your related consumer. Now youtube is getting money then it started to help youtube content creator they started to giving coaching them about how to create Youtube video. Now it is started Youtube support system, helpline canter and other. Now content creator are giving good product and consumers are getting good product in free. Now few are stared to give competition to Youtube like Facebook, Vimeo, dailymotion but at the time these are very small. In future Youtube career will going to become very big because at the population of world is 7.5 billion and in that already 2billion active users are here.
Advertisers are for that coming on Youtube because traffic shifted mobile.


 According to TRAI(Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) at the time 42crore person are using Mobile Internet in India and till 2021 it going to become 84crore means all market were shifted on mobile and in Youtube you can comment, share, like, dislike you can tell your idea but in TV cannot say that you have to sit silently and watch it. Youtube is providing niche content like if you want to learn panting there are so much channels here.      
 In one time no anyone getting direct success they also face so much trouble then they did very much improvement they are very strict on copyright claim, offensive content if you will post in anyone of then your channel will band in a mint. only there are so many channels are banded for that reason.
Youtube is today become very big platform this is become helper of so much jobless person and youth this giving earning with entertainment.

Friday, July 19, 2019

case study of Lizzat Papad

Devika Gandhi 
(Civil engineering, NIT Trichy )

                           Case study of Lizzat Papad 

case study of lijjat papad
lijjat papad 
Ever you eat Lzzat papad? If you eating papad then definitely you had eaten Lizzat papad when it company was started at the time it was only 1 Rs. and today it was become 1600 crore company. Today we going to see case study about Lizzat Papad how it become that much big company? What is it business rule? How it was started? Everything about Lizzat Papad.
In March 1959 seven ladies are collect on a building and no anyone can think that what they were going to start? In first day they earn 50 paisa from making Papad and today it company is become 1600 crore company and it is become team of 45cror ladies from seven. They make Lizzat a super movement that was got so many awarded.

In first day they collect 80 rupees and they make 1kg Papad and they get profit 50 Paisa then they totally socked thereafter they increased quantity and they make 2kg Papad and they get profit 1 Rupee. Then it movement was become very famous now everyone want to joined it because at the time one rupee profit is very big profit. From first to they not make one owner here is all are owner if company will loss then every will loss and if get profit then every will get profit. This movement is called Co-Operative movement. After some time they think we have to put a name of it then they called an astrologer and astrologer was said its name form “LI’’ for that its name they chose Lizzat in Gujarati language it means happed Tasty actually first these ladies are Gujarati but after that they doesn’t matter about religion or other thing it become a symbol of women power. A women that she has no any computer skills, no any education, not technical skills, not people skills yes but they have only one skills cooking skills and only with this power these are become owner of 1600cror. That leady have to not gone anywhere you will stay in your home only and do hard work 5 to 6 hour and they can earn from ten thousand to 15 thousand. So many women are send her son-daughter in IIT and AIMS like that collages. This model is like that dough kneading in happened in branch and these ladies are working they are coming to branch in morning and they took dough kneading from here and they rolling Papad in home. After dough kneading a bus is coming and he pickup all Lizzat sister, these are known as 
Lizzat sisters also then in branch they made three windows 1st is Deposit Window and 2nd is Payment window and 3rd is collection window in Deposit Window they deposit these last day all papad then they check quality then they a token them then they take this token and they collect them payment from payment window there after they gone to collection window and they collect dough kneading for today rolling Papad then that same bus will gone to drop them. The brunch head provided them Aluminium Rolling Board and full training and this aluminium rolling board is very standardization from that Papad are getting good thickness, size, shape, weight for that reason 4.8 billion Papad is made in all over India with same test. Slowly-slowly these are entered in more business like Masala, black chilli, soap, detergent and so much other tings. These Export in 25 other countries the sources was Hing, Black chilli, Split Black gram(Urad dal). Today also they import these Hing from Asafoetida because they want to mange these test quality still they don't used machine if they want to increased these business they joined Lizzat Sisters but not used machine .They want to share it all profit on Lizzat Sisters these model was like that an organization belief that “company belong to me and I belong to company” that is these motto. One thing more they did here that here is not allowed politics because ladies can be fight t0geather and 0% gossip. And designed here a common purpose for all. If today Jaswantibenben Popat will want then she can become billionaire but already she want to help housewives. This a charity but they don’t treat it from stating to like a charity it like a business many want to give donation but they don’t accept that but they gave so much donations and relief funds. These cash flow statement was very strong that from supplier to they never take on credit and never they give to distributer on credit and Lizzat workers are also getting these wings everyday. A papad roller women will become slowly-slowly she become manager of a branch and in all of them few are become committee member of head office in Mumbai they have 21 member in committee and they are managing these business in all over India. All 21 ladies are taking decision together so no any problem for fraud and Personal benefits. Then in all of 21 some are become vice president and few are treasure and few are president these all are same women that few time ago these are rolling Papad.
Still today I was not seen example of women power an woman become from labour to owner and she could able to survive a good life. Today Lizzat Papad is become god for these type of women they want to give a good education of these children. On Lozziat papad today all India should be proud that uneducated ladies are doing this much big business.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Earn money online

Saniya Zubir 
(computer science and engineering,IIT khargpur)

                                    Earn money online

earn money from online
making money online 

Today everything is become online food, bank, travelling, Etc. all things are become online then why not earning will become online? Yes you can earn money online you have to not needs to go to the office, not needs to go to the business meeting and anywhere only you have to do hard working for getting earning online. This earning can do any one if you are student, housewife, working professional and you want earn in part time or job seeker any one. For that there are so many ways for earning online but I was selected few best ways.

AFFILIATE MARKETING – all e-commerce companies like Amazon, flipkart, Etc. all are his business by affiliate marketing also see how can we take benefit from that? It’s before we understand what is affiliate marketing?
In affiliate marketing there are three types of characters are plying role merchant, affiliate and costumers. For that earning process is like that that if suppose that merchant is Amazon and you are Affiliate and you are promote your merchant product by any ways and if they purchase your merchant things from your ways then you get few commission. This is good carrier because till 2020 in our India will become more then 60 crore internet users country means that G7 countries (biggest 7 countries according to economics) in that 7 countries have that much population from that to more then we have internet users. So as to as in our countries internet users are increasing as to as e-commerce is also increasing and e-commerce companies are doing these business according to affiliate marketing. E-commerce are very friendly and easy to doing business because every want to doing shopping easy and safe. From that people are earning from 5,000 to 500,000 rupees. In affiliate marketing you have not any problem with manufacture, investing and other things only you have to sell it with patience. It your choice you want to catch this chance of loss it. If you want to catch this chance then follow these stapes.

1.     Choose your category – now time is going to change for that you have to not doing like all rounder you have to become export in any one topic for getting soon success. You can choose any category like study material, fashion related, electronics, health, mobile apps, Etc. these like you can chose any category .
2.   Register as an affiliate – register yourself with your favourite site this may be Amazon, flipcart, yatra and other as your wish you will get become an affiliate link in your favourite site or you can join an affiliate network site. affiliate network is one type of shopping mole in this site you will get all site here you have to not register in separate-separate site. In India there are so many affiliate marketing are available like Vcommission, Optimise, cuelinks, Etc. If you become these affiliate marketer then you can generate a link and you can sell product and a plus point with amazon in is that if costumer coming through your website and he does not purchase thing and within 24 mint. he purchase anything then also commission you get.
3.   How to sell – you follow upper rule then how to sell it how to send your product to costumers the rule can be site/blog, social media, SMS/whatsapp, email but I suggested you make a site because making a site is not difficult you can made it easy for that you can see in Internet you will getting so much tutorial here then you can make blog it free and you can earn from here also and if you don’t want to make blog then you can make youtube channel also and you can give preview also. A very important thing give preview only that product from that you have that you have trust for money only not give any ting because is going not only with money it is with trust also. There is so many ways to sell it your wish.

FREELANCING – freelancing in a one line you can say that you doing job for not only for one company you providing your services to so much companies and you charging you by your comfort.
India is world’s 2nd biggest country in freelancing. You can do it from your home also when you comfort you can do it and it carrier scope is also very big because if a company hire an employee then company has to invest on him like training, benefits, system, and if he take leave then also he have to give him payment and so much thing that companies have to do on his employee.

There are two ways form that fee lancer and companies can joined together one is offline and second is online I personally prefer online because today everything is become digital but I will told about offline also.

online money
earn money online
There are few trusted site from their you can do your free lancing job and getting payment is also very easy digitally money will transfer in your account. These are Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork, youth4work. Corporate are doing that they are sending these work in these site or he search a freelancer and the give his job to him for both thing you a platform and these companies can be your platform hare you have to do create a profile any company will hire you according to your profile make your profile related to your skills. Then what ever you complete your project then definitely take reviews and use social media and share your project.
In offline also create your profile and corporate will call you and fix your meting and do that.

BLOGING – you can create a blog and you can start bloging in blog you can give any review of any product and you can write any article you can share your knowledge and after that if your blog will get good response and traffic then you can place ads and starting to earn money.   

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

GST- good and service tax

GST came in India. What is GST? Who is that working? If you have a small start up or you have a shop then you should have to know what is GST? Otherwise if you are living only in India then also you have to know what is this? How much you paying GST when you purchasing your needs things? So today we going to discuss about GST.
Good and services tax(India)
good and services tax (India)
Before we know about GST first we have to know that how much and which type of tax we are paying to government.
At the time we are paying to government three type of taxes.
1.      Direct Taxes – in this tax under coming three type of taxes Income Tax, Capital Gain Tax, securities Transaction tax, Perquisite Tax, Corporate Tax.
2.    Indirect Tax – if we are purchasing anything that time we are paying that tax is known as Indirect Tax. In this category that type taxes are coming Sales Tax, Service Tax, Value Added Taxes, Custom duty & Octroi (on goods), Excise Duty. Indirect Taxes is also dividing in tow category is that half Tax is gone to Central government and half is gone to state government it means state government’s bank account is fill by only our Indirect Taxes and also from that few percentage is taking central government.
3.    Regular need tax – in this category we are paying like that taxes electricity tax, water tax, toll tax, and other type of taxes that is using in our daily routine. 
So they collect all indirect taxes and they made a tax GST (Good& Service Tax )  for not have to pay single-single taxes. GST also divided in three category CGST, SGST, IGST. CGST means it share will gone to central government, SGST means it share will gone to state government and IGST you can say inter State tax like if a product will going from one state to another state that have to pay IGST.

As a consumer we have to pay only one tax GST and it will automatically divided in all parts in that few parts will gone to central government and few part will gone to State government.
In that following sowing that taxes there have to pay zero taxes.
Fresh meat
Fish, chicken
Eggs,  milk
Milk, curd
Judicial Papers
Natural honey
Printed Books
Fresh fruits and
News paper
Bangles ,Etc

     In that’s good you have to no paid any taxes and following services there not have to paid any taxes.

Hotels and lodges with tariff with tariff below Rs. 1,000 Grandfathering services has been exampled under GST.
In under 5% taxes these following good things are coming
Fish Fillet
Skimmed Milk
Branded Paneer
Lifeboats Etc.

In under 5% taxes these following services things are coming
Transport services ( Railways, air transport), small restaurants will be under 5% category because their mean input is petroleum, which is outside GST ambit.

In under 12% taxes these following goods things are coming.
Frozen Meat
Tooth power
Dry fruits  
Animal Fat
Machine, Etc.

In under 12% taxes these following services things are coming.
None Ac Hotels.
Business class Air ticket
Work contracts
In under 18% taxes these following goods things are coming.
Mineral water
Note Books
Ice cr0eams
Instant food, Etc.
In under 18s% taxes these following services things are coming.
Ac Hotels room
Telecom services
IT Services
Branded Garments and financial Services

In under 28% taxes these following goods things are coming.
Chewing gum
Pan Masala
Vacuum clear
Hair shampoo
Auto mobiles
Washing machine
Aerated water
Water heater
Air craft, Etc.
In under 12% taxes these following services things are coming.
5-star hotels
Race Club Betting,

There is not written all things all 1211 things are coming under GST few are written there from related that. This divided because in all over India one flat tax is paying now from any state you will bought anything tax you have to pay same.

 Who has to take GST?

Now you will say I have a small shop then also I have also take GST the answer is maybe you have to take if your financial year (April to March) income is more or equal to twenty lakh then you have to take GST other you have to not take GST. If you are sending your product one state to another state or you doing your business in e-commerce site then also you have to take GST it doesn’t matter that your income is more or less then 20 lakh.